Good Sacramento River fishing continues!
by Jeff Goodwin, MAY 25, 2020
Sacramento River

Captain Justin Thompson checked in today and reports some pretty good catch and release trout fishing on the Sacramento River in Redding.  Flows are steady at 8,000 cfs but look to be bumping up to 9,000 on Thursday.  With the Redding heat this week, spending a day on the river is a great option.  We normally see temps hover around...
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Shasta Lake Memorial weekend fishing!
by Jeff Goodwin, MAY 24, 2020
Shasta Lake

Today marked the mid way point of the Memorial Day weekend on Shasta Lake.  Its the busiest I've seen it in recent memory and was glad to see so many people enjoying this amazing body of water.  Morning traffic was pretty light on the lake except for some fishing boats trolling or trout and casting along the shorelines for bass....
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Quick limits on Shasta Lake today!
by Jeff Goodwin, MAY 23, 2020
Shasta Lake

Today we started fishing Shasta Lake at 6:00 and had limits of nice rainbows by 8:30 am.  It was a steady bite right off at about 20'.  I tried fishing a bit deeper and a bit shallower, but didn't see any action outside of the 20' mark.  Not a lot of trout are marking on the sonar, but its because...
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Day on Shasta Lake with Brad's Killer Fishing Gear!
by Jeff Goodwin, MAY 21, 2020
Shasta Lake

Today Captain Justin Thompson and I had the priviledge to fish with Scott Kaul and Chris Turvey of Brads Killer Fishing Gear.  We had an excellent day of fishing and the weather was perfect.  The majority of the day was spent setting rods rigged with Kokanee Cut Plugs.  We caught some great fish and made a full day of fishing out...
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Picky trout during the flow drops!
by Jeff Goodwin, MAY 20, 2020
Sacramento River

Capatain Justin Thompson checked in today and said they had a 32 fish day catching and releasing wild rainbow trout today.  The bead bite was off, but the bug bite picked up the slack making for a fun day on the river.  Justin mentioned we're spoiled here in Redding when a 32 fish day doesn't seem like a hot bite.  I...
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Making memories on Shasta Lake!
by Jeff Goodwin, MAY 20, 2020
Shasta Lake

Shasta Lake is made for making great memories!  Whether its fishing, camping, house boating, or just water sports in general, Shasta Lake has something for everyone.  I'm grateful to be able to use Shasta Lake as much as I do and definitely don't take its treasures for granted.  Fishing its bountiful waters is clearly my most frequent activity on Shasta Lake,...
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