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Today, the Trump administration released a new proposal aimed at increasing water diversions from the Bay-Delta at the expense of salmon and the tens of thousands of industry jobs that depend on them. In spite of years of declining salmon runs and industry losses, the administration is saying the water diversion system that moves billions of gallons of Central Valley...
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Horses Are Native — Horses originated and co-evolved with their habitat in North America. Kirkpatrick and Fazio (2008) and MacPhee (2011) have shown that horses meet the criteria of a "native species." The word "feral" actually means "wild." However, "feral" is typically weaponized as an epithet.
Approachability v. Domestication — Conflating terms that are not identical, such as "feral" with "non-native"...
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In Response to: "Feral Horses and Burrows: When to Say When"
by Marybeth Devlin, DECEMBER 6, 2017
by Marybeth Devlin, DECEMBER 6, 2017
Arbitrary Management Level (AML): The number of wild horses "thought by BLM to achieve ecological balance" — 26,715 — is a political construct. BLM uses the AML to concoct the perception of a crisis. BLM must have a crisis. Why? Politically, agencies have to justify their existence. They must show they are needed. Nothing works better than a "crisis" to secure continued and even...
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I was catching up on some news at my local coffee shop the other day. When it was time for a refill of my coffee, the server asked me to say "when" my cup was full enough. At the time, I was reading about how the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Advisory Council was recommending new strategies for the reduction in the...
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*fo-ren-sic, adj. 1.pertaining to, connected with, or used in courts of law or public discussion and debate. 2. Adapted or suited to argumentation; argumentative.
Seventeen years ago I was a whistleblower concerning the theft (or “diversion” for those that believe in bureaucrats and tooth fairies) of $45 to 60 Million in two years (1995 & 1996) by US Fish and Wildlife Service bureaucrats...
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The Headline says it all; “DNR wants increased fees”.
Our “perpetual tax and spend” Governor and his DNR Commissioner “need” hunting and fishing license fee increases of 10 to 15% “to keep up with inflation”. Haven’t our federal politicians claimed there is no inflation, or is that just to keep us retirees from asking questions?
So, “without the hike, the DNR will...
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