Kenny Priest

Limited Options for Late Season Steelhead Anglers
Kenny Priest
by Kenny Priest, MARCH 20, 2025

Following last weekend’s drenching, all of the coastal rivers are now back on the drop. But with just a handful of days left in the season, and more rain predicted next week, the options are few for those looking for the last of the winter steelhead. The Smith, though still big but green, is always the first to clear and...
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Plenty of Fishable Water for Weekend Steelhead Anglers
Kenny Priest
by Kenny Priest, MARCH 7, 2025

If you’re looking to do some late-season steelhead fishing this weekend, you’ll have some pretty good options. To our north, both the Chetco and Smith rivers are in good shape and should provide some good action over the weekend. The Mad isn’t green, but there are quite a few fish in the river and those who know how to catch...
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Low Salmon Forecast will Constrain 2025 Season
Kenny Priest
by Kenny Priest, FEBRUARY 27, 2025

Ocean and River Salmon Closures Likely On Wednesday, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) hosted its annual 2025 Salmon Information Meeting where fishery agencies provided ocean salmon abundance forecast information to the public. And if these forecasts are accurate, Chinook salmon will once again be scarce this year in both the ocean and rivers. It will also likely result in...
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Klamath King Numbers Plummet in 2024
Kenny Priest
by Kenny Priest, FEBRUARY 20, 2025

he Pacific Fishery Management Council released its “Review of 2024 Ocean Salmon Fisheries” report Wednesday, and the news was not good for the Klamath Basin. Based on an ocean abundance of 178,200 Klamath River fall Chinook thought to be swimming in the ocean last fall, forecasters predicted roughly 65,138 adults would return to the river. Unfortunately, the run fell well short...
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Coastal Rivers Done in by Rain Once Again
Kenny Priest
by Kenny Priest, FEBRUARY 13, 2025

Another Atmospheric River has turned our coastal rivers high and muddy, again. Prior to Thursday, we were getting oh so close to seeing some green water on the Humboldt rivers, but that door is now firmly slammed shut for at least a week, or more. The upper South Fork Eel near Leggett had already turned green, along with sections of...
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Smith and Chetco Only Green Water on the Coast
Kenny Priest
by Kenny Priest, FEBRUARY 6, 2025

While the rest of the North Coast rivers were nearing monitor or even flood stage this week, the Smith and Chetco remained green and fishable. And were actually on the drop. You can chalk that up to the frigid temperatures up north that turned rain to snow. These two rivers should remain in good shape, though they will start to...
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