
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — The Bureau of Land Management would like to remind the public to recreate responsibly as summer approaches and visitors start recreating on California rivers, in day-use areas, and when fishing, boating, swimming or performing other forms of water recreation. According to, water-related accidents are among the most common cause of death in some of our nation’s...
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Lots of snow means lots of water!!
by Lake Sabrina Boat Landing Staff, MAY 11, 2023
Lake Sabrina

Conditions Report  Upper Bishop Creek Canyon 5-11-23 Well folks, it’s been a tough few week as progress was painfully slow and conditions above 9000ft just weren’t changing all that much so there wasn’t much to say. The roads to Sabrina and South Lake are still closed and both lakes are frozen. But here is what we know as of today….. Hwy 168 W. is...
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Pacific Halibut Bite Slows
Kenny Priest
by Kenny Priest, MAY 10, 2023

After a hot start to the season, Pacific halibut action out of Eureka has since slowed. Last Monday’s opener was blown out but boats were able to make it back out Wednesday. And what they found were plenty of hungry halibut looking as though they haven’t seen bait in a long time. Quick limits were had by most of the...
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Catching Up to Date
Trinity River Fishing
by E.B. Duggan, MAY 7, 2023

Trinity River - Willow Creek Weir

Sorry to have been gone so long. I had surgery and was unable to use the computer. I appreciate that all of my readers missed the fishing report so I will try to catch up now. First off, I am sure that all of you have been reading about the water releases and the down flow of the water to the...
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Boats Find the Halibut After Wind Spoils Opener
Kenny Priest
by Kenny Priest, MAY 3, 2023

The widely anticipated Pacific halibut opener was slated for Monday, but good ol’ Mother Nature had other plans. Ocean conditions up and down the coast were horrible, with gale force winds keeping fleets from the Bay Area to Brookings tied to the dock both Monday and Tuesday. That’s the bad news. The good news is the seas have since subsided...
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Reservoir Report May 1st
by Maven's Notebook, MAY 2, 2023

For a moment it was looking as though we had skipped over Spring and went directly to Summer although temperatures have since returned to those more in line with the current season.  A season that, hydrologically, at least in areas reliant on snow accumulation, is known for one significant event; the spring snowmelt. As April closes out, we can begin to...
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