
Jetties Heating Up for Rockfish
Kenny Priest
by Kenny Priest, APRIL 20, 2023

The boat-based rockfish season on the North Coast won’t open until May 15 but that certainly doesn’t mean fish tacos can’t be on the menu. The jetties, the breakwater constructed to protect Humboldt Bay, are starting to provide some good fishing opportunities for both rockfish and lingcod. Over the last couple weeks, the North Jetty has started giving up some...
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It’s Official: CA’s 2023 Ocean Salmon Season Shut Down
Kenny Priest
by Kenny Priest, APRIL 13, 2023

In what was a mere formality, the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC) put the final nail in the coffin of California’s 2023 ocean Chinook salmon fishery April 6. The PFMC acted unanimously to recommend a full closure of California’s commercial and sport ocean salmon seasons. Options put forward by the PFMC last month for public review, which were developed by...
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SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – A pair of bills introduced in the House of Representatives, H.R. 872 and H.R. 215, would have devastating impacts on California and Oregon’s already beleaguered salmon populations, natural resources, and tens of thousands of jobs, as well as on the cultural heritage and traditional way of life of Native American Tribes. H.R. 872, the so-called FISH Act...
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Low salmon numbers are a water policy failure and disaster for families SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – Salmon fishermen and women, and many businesses that serve both the sport and commercial salmon boats, are now certain they’ll see no income in 2023 with the official closure of the 2023 salmon season.  On Thursday, the Pacific Fisheries Management Council (PFMC) voted to finalize the season’s...
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Spring Brings New Angling Opportunities
Kenny Priest
by Kenny Priest, APRIL 7, 2023

Spring, along with the accompanying nice weather, will arrive eventually. At least that’s what the calendar says. And when it does, a new set of angling opportunities will come with it. As the number of storms begin to lessen, we’ll see some much-improved ocean conditions. With that, anglers will head to the jetties and beaches in search of rockfish and...
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Trolling Trout Takes Off
by Collins Lake Staff, APRIL 5, 2023
Collins Lake

Collins Lake is still 100% full and occasional cold days have kept the surface temperature low hovering right around 50°C, which means you can still find lots of trout in the top 10ft. While shore fishing with Powerbait isn’t a bad plan we have definitely noticed an uptick in catches made trolling and casting lures. Finally we should say that...
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