
Catching Up to Date Once More
Trinity River Fishing
by E.B. Duggan, JUNE 12, 2023

Trinity River - Willow Creek Weir

Sorry for my absence. After my surgery, my computer also experienced issues and had to be repaired. Dealing with computer problems can be challenging, especially when you rely on them. Now, let's catch up on the current status of the rivers and fishing. The Trinity River, particularly in the Willow Creek area, has been running high and muddy. Recent thunderstorms likely...
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Catching up to Date
Trinity River Fishing
by E.B. Duggan, JUNE 7, 2023

Trinity River - Willow Creek Weir

Sorry to have been gone so long. I had surgery and was unable to use the computer. I appreciate that all of my readers missed the fishing report so I will try to catch up now.   First off, I am sure that all of you have been reading about the water releases and the down flow of the water to the...
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Conditions Report Upper Bishop Creek Canyon
by Lake Sabrina Boat Landing Staff, JUNE 4, 2023
Lake Sabrina

Helloooooo from the high country!!!!   After weeks of little progress and little to no new information worth reporting, we’re FINALLY making some headway on getting this 2023 season on the fast track to Trouttown!!!   Here is a quick rundown of how things look today…mostly from a conditions standpoint since we’ve been too busy trying to get open to have spent much time...
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Hot Action Continues for Pacific Halibut Anglers
Kenny Priest
by Kenny Priest, JUNE 2, 2023

With no salmon season, Pacific halibut continues to be the focal point out of Eureka, Trinidad and Crescent City after another week of sizzling action. Eureka charter and sport boats fishing a few miles on each side of the entrance in 290 to 300 feet of water are reporting quick limits. The small Trinidad fleet has done equally as well straight...
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Eagle Lake Fishing Report
by Valerie Aubrey, MAY 31, 2023
Eagle Lake

Nice thick fish! Tamara Spurgeon-Powell. We're staying high in the water column. Upper 10ft. Working shallows early & the first ledge on the west side as the sun hits the water. Several lures are working. Orange trolling flies, red/gold Thomas buoyant, small minnow imitations (live minnows not allowed) rainbow trout, gold/orange. Depends on the sky color that day. Vary your...
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SACRAMENTO, Calif. – As the nation reflects on the sacrifices made by United State Armed Service members who died serving our country, people will be heading outdoors for Memorial Day weekend to visit America’s public lands that are managed by the Bureau of Land Management. Open spaces provide many recreational opportunities, such as fishing, swimming, camping, rockhounding, backpacking, hiking, boating...
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