Conditions Report Upper Bishop Creek Canyon

by Lake Sabrina Boat Landing Staff
Helloooooo from the high country!!!!
After weeks of little progress and little to no new information worth reporting, we’re FINALLY making some headway on getting this 2023 season on the fast track to Trouttown!!!
Here is a quick rundown of how things look today…mostly from a conditions standpoint since we’ve been too busy trying to get open to have spent much time fishing.
Lake Sabrina Road / Hwy 168 W. The road FINALLY opened on Thursday afternoon June 1. The parking lots are mostly clear. There is still a lot of snow around the edges so watch your step. The lake is mostly thawed with some ice chunks floating around but they’ll likely be gone by the time you read this. We are just now getting up there so we don’t have a firm opening date yet – water is still on the rise and it has to get to a certain level for us to get the boats out.
South Lake Road The road is now open to just beyond Parchers at the summer home parking lot. We finally got our cabins online so we’re open for lodging. The store will be opening in a few days, maybe Wednesday. There is some damage to the South Lake Road between the resort and Weir Pond – not sure what the plan is for fixing that and opening the road to the lake, but we’ll pass it on when we know. South Lake is still frozen and way down so it’s not a huge deal just yet. The only people backpacking are the most hardcore of the hardcore PCT folks – but backpacking for the average Joe isn’t happening until July.
North Lake Road Closed but they’re working on it. Could be open very very soon.
Outlook Within the week Sabrina will be looking a lot like summer and the water will be racing towards the launch ramp. A week or two later South Lake will be thawed and charging up as much as 4 feet a day….in fact with this winter being the record breaker it was, it could raise the water level even faster. The creek itself is blown out in the downhill sections but there is some incredibly sexy water in the flat sections like Willow Camp, Surveyors Meadow, Table Mountain Camp etc. A lot of areas that are too slow in a normal season are just PERFECT with these higher flows…exciting. Please be smart and use extreme caution when approaching the faster sections of the creek – one wrong step could potentially be your last. No stocking info at present.
Boats? Soon but no date yet. When the lake level is high enough to reach the main lake – which is totally dependent on the weather at this point - we'll have boats on the beach. We just got access a few days ago so it's gonna take minute. Pontoons? Hopefully before Father's day, fingers crossed.
Fishing? Intake 2 was stocked this week. No customers means few fish reports but what we have seen and heard is that Lake Sabrina is pretty darn good from shore. No news on stocking but the few people who have fished it thus far have done well enough for it not to matter yet.
Trails? Snow, snow and more snow. Wait a few weeks.
Opening Dates*
Lake Sabrina Boat Landing•
Shop & Boats – Soon but water level dependent.
Café – Galley menu tentatively June 18th. Full menu the week after.
Parchers Resort•
Parchers Cabins – OPEN
Parchers RV Sites – Open June 5th
Parchers Store – Opens June 7th
South Lake•
Boats & Shop – Totally dependent upon weather and water but we’d guess around the 20th of June give or take a week if we get severe weather.
* All dates are subject to change based on God (the weather) & Government (the road). We’ll handle the Gumption.
Local Forecast – Search Aspendell on Weather.gov or use the link on our website homepages.
Campgrounds – Inyo National Forest - White Mountain Ranger District. We’ll post on social media if we see anything noteworthy. As of now it's Four Jeffries, Forks, Big Trees, Bitter Brush, Intake 2 and Bishop Park that are open.
Trout Stocking Information - Click Here
Stay tuned ladies and gentlemen, more to come in the coming days and weeks…….
The Parchers, Sabrina, South Lake Crews
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