Still grinding away on the Sac River Kings
by Jeff Goodwin, SEPTEMBER 4, 2020
Sacramento River - Red Bluff

We're fishing every day and although we're seeing a lot of fish in the river, the past few days have turned off a bit, although most are still catching a salmon or two and some guys are finding more than a few daily.  Looking at reports down river, I'm seeing sizeable schools heading our way daily.  The size of these...
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Another solid day of salmon fishing on the Sac!
by Jeff Goodwin, SEPTEMBER 2, 2020
Sacramento River - Lower

We're finding an early morning plug bite with our smaller groups, and going straight to drifting bait with our larger parties.  As is the case most days, the egg bite has been late morning to afternoon for us.  Some guides are fishing plugs all day and that seems to be paying off as well.  I think we're finally in the...
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Bright Kings for todays crew!
by Jeff Goodwin, SEPTEMBER 1, 2020
Sacramento River - Lower

Today saw another improvement in the number of Kings occupying the Corning stretch of the Sacramento River and Captains Justin Thompson and Kenny Turner saw a small improvement over yesterdays catch.  Most of the salmon are pushing through, but there seem to be enough around to provide some solid opportunities to catch some really bright salmon.  We'll be fishing Corning...
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New salmon roll into Corning today!
by Jeff Goodwin, AUGUST 31, 2020
Sacramento River - Lower

We saw a lot more activity today on the Sacramento River near Corning today.  More fish than we've seen in weeks!  Its still a fish per rod kind of bite, but we're hoping that will change in the days ahead.  This is good news for all of our upcoming clients who are coming out to fish with us this season!...
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Corning salmon still trickling in
by Jeff Goodwin, AUGUST 29, 2020
Sacramento River - Lower

Gotta be at the right place at the right time, or don't move when you find a few bites.  Some boats are scoring, most are not right now.  Hopefully they quit dropping flows and we get a new batch of fish in the next few days.  Flows should be stable at least for mondays trips so we'll see if thats...
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Still waiting for the main run!
by Jeff Goodwin, AUGUST 27, 2020
Sacramento River - Lower

We're still waiting for the main run of salmon on the Sacramento River, but word on the street says the great ocean fishing has slowed considerably.  That means we should see a big shot of fresh salmon any day.  At least two of the Kings caught today by clients were very bright, indicating new salmon in the system.  More salmon and...
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