Sacramento River Striped bass!
by Jeff Goodwin, MARCH 1, 2021
Sacramento River - Lower

Its March and that means its time to start thinking about the Sacramento River Striped bass fishing!  We typically start runing client trips the first week of April, but our key Striper guide is already down in the Colusa area catching Striped bass.  Captain Jeff Brady leads our team with Striper experience and has been fishing in the Colusa stretch...
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Time for Shasta Lake browns!
by Jeff Goodwin, FEBRUARY 24, 2021
Shasta Lake

I've been fishing for Shasta Lake browns exclusively the past two weeks and we're finding some nice fish.  Its still early in the season and I expect we'll see some great opportunities for some big browns to be caught daily for the next few months.  Weather patterns and water level changes in Shasta can create some question marks for anglers...
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Shasta Lake brown trout bite improves.
by Jeff Goodwin, FEBRUARY 20, 2021
Shasta Lake

After three lackluster trips on Shasta Lake this past week, I'm happy to report that we had a good day on the water today.  Quite a few boats out today, but we got into a good bite early this morning.  We hooked four browns and lost one early in the day and picked up our biggest brown of the day...
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Sac steelhead/trout bite is really good!
by Jeff Goodwin, FEBRUARY 18, 2021
Sacramento River - Lower

We've been bouncing between the Trinity River and the Sacramento River the past few weeks and we're seeing some good fishing on both rivers.  The Sac is a big numbers trip, but the Trinity steelhead are generally bigger.  We do see some slow days on the Trinity, but the Sacramento River is pretty much a sure thing where catching fish is...
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Shasta Lake brown trout time!
by Jeff Goodwin, FEBRUARY 17, 2021
Shasta Lake

Brown trout fishing on Shasta Lake is underway and we're getting into some great ones already!  Add in a mix of some great rainbow trout as well and a great time can be had by all.  This time of the year is quality over quantity, but often times we can go to areas of the lake that hold good numbers...
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Sac steelhead/trout fishing going strong!
by Jeff Goodwin, FEBRUARY 13, 2021
Sacramento River - Lower

The Sacramento River in Redding Ca. is as good as it gets.  Lots of wild steelhead/trout are sitting on the salmon redds and will likely do so well into spring.  The presence of salmon means the trout are feeding on loose eggs so hard or soft 8-10 mm beads presented by drifting or bobber dogging is a top choice for...
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