
ODFW Recreation Report
by ODFW, OCTOBER 12, 2023

Early season duck hunting tips‌ Duck hunting season opens this weekend. To help you get off on the right foot, we've got these 13 tips for early season duck hunting.‌ Duck hunting workshops in La Grande and Coquille‌ Participants in these these two-day hands-on workshops will walk away with the skills and knowledge to successfully hunt on their own. Learn more and register.‌ Best bets for...
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Fal lis Here and Where Are The Fish?
Trinity River Fishing
by E.B. Duggan, OCTOBER 8, 2023

Trinity River - Willow Creek Weir

September was the beginning of Autumn. (Fall to us) We had a little rain and the last rush of Spring Chinook and Summer Steelhead. It made for some good fishing and things kind of went south as for fishing. Fishing has been fair in the lower sections of the Trinity River but fair to good in the upper sections. It kind of...
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Decisions looming at upcoming PFMC meeting
Kenny Priest
by Kenny Priest, OCTOBER 5, 2023

If you have any interest whatsoever in the future of our rockfish and Pacific halibut fisheries, your voice and opinion has never been more important than right now. At the upcoming November 3 Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC) meeting, public comments provided by those affected by closures and limited seasons will go a long way in the future and management...
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Massive Catfish Caught on a Night Crawler, Trout Plants on the Horizon!
by Collins Lake Staff, OCTOBER 3, 2023
Collins Lake

As the surface temperature continues to drop we’ll see more trout activity and even anticipate better shore fishing. There are still a few lightning trout to be caught out there but in just a few weeks we’re hoping to boost those numbers. Collins Lake’s fall/winter planting schedule should have the first private trout plant of 2000lbs before October 21st as long...
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The Last of The Springer's Are Making A Run For It
Trinity River Fishing
by E.B. Duggan, OCTOBER 2, 2023

Trinity River - Willow Creek Weir

Another burst of rain should bring in the last push of Spring Run Chinook Salmon for the Trinity River. Hopefully it will also bring in more Steelhead. The last rain brought in a nice run of Steelhead and a lot of adult Steelhead were caught and released. Right now, it looks like the Lower section of the river is only...
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Chetco Estuary King Fishing in Full Swing
Kenny Priest
by Kenny Priest, SEPTEMBER 28, 2023

If you’re looking to catch and keep big, ocean-bright kings, you’ll want to keep Chetco River estuary on your radar. Salmon have been staging in the tidewater since early September and they’ll be there until enough rain falls and allows them to make their way upriver. And according to Andy Martin of Wild Rivers Fishing, the season at the mouth...
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