
Sport Crab Opens Saturday with No Restrictions
Kenny Priest
by Kenny Priest, NOVEMBER 2, 2023

We may not have a rockfish season here in the far north, but at least our sport crab season will open on time. And with pots and traps allowed! The California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife sent word Friday that our season, (40°10′ N. latitude (near Cape Mendocino) to the Oregon-California border, will open as scheduled Saturday with no restrictions....
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Problems With Upper Trinity River
Trinity River Fishing
by E.B. Duggan, OCTOBER 22, 2023

Trinity River - Willow Creek Weir

 What has happened to the Trinity River Restoration in the upper forty miles of restoration? In 2000 Sectary of Interior Babette signed the Record of Decision (ROD) and the Trinity Management Council (TMC the governing body), Trinity River Restoration Project (TRRP) and Trinity Adaptive Management Working Group (TAMWG public advisory) were formed to restore the top forty (40) miles of...
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Autumn Trout Planting at Collins Lake
by Collins Lake Staff, OCTOBER 19, 2023
Collins Lake

Autumn Trout Planting at Collins Lake in California includes Mt. Lassen Hatchery's stunning Lightning Trout (aka Golden Rainbows) for the 2023/2024 season. ...
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Bluefin Tuna Hitting the Decks From SF to Shelter Cove
Kenny Priest
by Kenny Priest, OCTOBER 19, 2023

Mid-September of last year produced some pretty wild tuna action on the North Coast. Species that typically aren’t targeted here, including Bluefin, Yelloweye, and Bigeye tuna were popping up from Fort Bragg to Crescent City. And now, history is repeating itself – sort of. Large schools of tuna, made up of mostly bluefin, are thick from San Francisco north to...
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Winter Flows Startin
Trinity River Fishing
by E.B. Duggan, OCTOBER 16, 2023

Trinity River - Willow Creek Weir

Bureau of Reclamation will reduce water releases to 300cfs October 16th. The releases will begin dropping from 450cfs at 8:00am Monday morning and be down to 300cfs by 4pm Monday afternoon. It will take some time before it reaches Hoopa and from then until “Winter Augmentation Flows” it will be strictly weather-related events that will control water flows on the...
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Chetco Estuary Still Kicking Out Big Kings
Kenny Priest
by Kenny Priest, OCTOBER 12, 2023

The Chetco estuary continues to produce some of the best salmon fishing on the coast, but time is running out. Rain is in the forecast for Brookings over the weekend and flows will be on the rise, which will trigger the migrating fall kings that it’s time to head up river. The good news is there should still be plenty...
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