
Pacific halibut bite remains slow off the coast
Kenny Priest
by Kenny Priest, JUNE 20, 2024

The Pacific halibut bite continues to be slow along the North Coast, but it is showing signs of life. As conditions improved mid-week, boats out of Trinidad and Crescent City both saw an uptick in fish coming back to port. The same cannot be said for Eureka. Persistent wind and sloppy conditions have kept boats mostly tied to the dock....
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Gusty Conditions Continue on the North Coast
Kenny Priest
by Kenny Priest, JUNE 13, 2024

Gale-force north winds in May and June are historically common along the North Coast. But this year seems to be bordering on excessive. The Eureka fleet is having to pay the heaviest toll following another week of rough seas, managing to only get offshore once since last week. Shelter Cove, Trinidad, and Crescent City, with much shorter runs to the...
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Lots of very good reports from the Virginias lately
by Jim Akenson, JUNE 10, 2024
Virginia Lakes

We’ve been getting lots of very good reports from the Virginias lately, bait anglers, lure anglers and a few fly anglers all seem to be doing well. Lure anglers are doing the best early and late in the day with Thomas Bouyants, Kastmasters and roostertails, bait anglers are catching fish throughout the day with power bait, pinched crawlers and mice...
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Eagle Lake Report
by Valerie Aubrey, JUNE 6, 2024
Eagle Lake

Did a water column temperature test on Wednesday at 11am. Right smack dab in the middle of the south basin. 67.9 surface 66.9 @ 5ft; 65.6 @ 10ft; 64.5 @ 15ft; 63.2 @ 20ft; 62 @ 25ft; 61.1 @ 30ft; 58.6 @ 35ft; 57.4 @ 40ft; 54.8 @ 45ft. Most of our action was still in the upper 10ft of the...
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Boats Capitalize on Break in the Wind
Kenny Priest
by Kenny Priest, JUNE 6, 2024

\ Last Sunday provided offshore anglers along the entire North Coast some of the best ocean conditions since the rockfish and Pacific halibut seasons kicked off. And plenty of boats took full advantage. Leaving Humboldt Bay, there were a steady stream of boats headed south, reacquainting themselves with Cape Mendocino. Reportedly, the fishing was excellent with lots of rockfish and lingcod...
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Trinity River Restoration
The Outdoor Edge
by Don Webster, JUNE 3, 2024

Trinity River - Willow Creek Weir

Memorial Day Weekend has passed and the Trinity River flows are dropping. It is always sad to hear that the river has claimed another life but that is the dangers of the river at this time of year and not matter how we try to let the public know about these dangers someone misses the message. Please know that the...
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