Southern Oregon

May is the Premier Month for Surfperch
Southern Oregon
by Larry Ellis, MAY 12, 2018

Port of Brookings Harbor

Surfperch have been the red-hot ticket to fish-taco city, even in the past 3 months when the weather has been cold and rainy.  But when the month of May rolls around, the mottled flat-siders often school up with noticeably flat-calm seas, especially the large females, giving surf anglers a run for their money. There are two main varieties of surfperch that...
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14 Days left till the Oregon KMZ opens
Southern Oregon
by Larry Ellis, MAY 5, 2018

Port of Brookings Harbor

Salmon fishermen of the salt - start your engines!  In exactly 14 days (May 19), salmon anglers of the salt are going to be launching from the Port of Brookings Harbor in search of 3-, 4- and 5-year old Chinook. So now is the time when anglers should be prepping their rods, reels and vessel apparatus for what could be an...
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Anglers Limiting on Surface-feeding Rockfish
Southern Oregon
by Larry Ellis, APRIL 28, 2018

Port of Brookings Harbor

April and May are the months when bottomfish do the ol' switch-a-roonie to their nom de plume and start feeding on the surface, and anglers in-the-know about this curious phenomenon were catching easy limits last week of the bottom-grabbers within a foot or two of the surface. The rockfish, which were comprised of mainly black rockfish with a few blue rockfish...
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Rogue River Springers - Bottomfish - Crab highlight the Southern Oregon Coast
Southern Oregon
by Larry Ellis, APRIL 21, 2018

Rogue River- Lower

Spring Chinook are still making their way through the lower Rogue River, and both bank fishermen and boaters are occasionally doing battle with them. "They're catching fish," said Steve from the Rogue Outdoor Store in Gold Beach on Thursday. "Two weeks ago there weren't very many fish being caught, but they're catching them now. Yesterday and the day before that, some of...
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Klamath Management Zones Get Long Ocean Salmon Seasons
Southern Oregon
by Larry Ellis, APRIL 15, 2018

Sacramento River

Salmon fishermen of the KMZ, it's time to start counting backward and marking days off your calendar. Due to a decision that finalized salmon alternatives at a recent PFMC meeting held in Portland, Oregon, both California and Oregon Klamath Management Zones (KMZ) will be fishing long and hopefully productive ocean salmon seasons this year. The reason for the long salmon seasons was...
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PFMC meeting this week will decide fate of ocean salmon seasons
Southern Oregon
by Larry Ellis, APRIL 7, 2018

Port of Brookings Harbor

In a meeting that is being held by the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC) from April 5 through April 11 at the Sheraton Portland Airport Hotel, members of the Salmon Advisory Subpanel (SAS) are at this very moment negotiating the fate of our ocean salmon seasons for 2018. Although the meeting is officially slated to end on Wednesday, April 11, it is very...
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