Southern Oregon

Rivers, ocean and bays producing fish
Southern Oregon
by Larry Ellis, JULY 22, 2017

Chetco River

Jacksmelt are still continuing to give Chetco south jetty crab pier anglers plenty of thrills although the action has tapered off from former weeks. Most of the fish are being picked up near the surface, hence the smart anglers are Huck Finning their way to their 7-fish limits. So definitely think about using a bobber when fishing for the frisky silversides. Flat-calm...
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Water bodies on fire!
Southern Oregon
by Larry Ellis, JULY 15, 2017

Chetco River

The Chetco Bay, the Rogue Bay and the ocean out of the Port of Brookings Harbor are all kicking out a combined smorgasbord of usual and unusual seafood delights. For approximately one week now, Pacific jacksmelt from 8- to 14-inches long have been caught by anglers throwing standard sabiki rigs. These are some of the largest jacksmelt I have ever seen, with...
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Feeder fish finding frenzied fishermen
Southern Oregon
by Larry Ellis, JULY 7, 2017

Chetco River

OK, I triple dog dare you! Say the title of this article ten times really fast without slurring your words. You can call them whatever you want: feeders, springers, kingster-amma mammas or Chinook-meisters.  But a salmon by any other name would still taste as sweet. Whichever name you wish to assign them, these Chinook are giving anglers plenty of rod-bending, line-peeling...
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Spinnerbait/Anchovy Rigs Part II
Southern Oregon
by Larry Ellis, JULY 1, 2017

Rogue River- Lower

Last week we took a look at the nuances of hooking up a naked (straight bait) anchovy in a spinnerbait/anchovy rig that is used for trolling in estuaries in the pacific northwest such as the Rogue Bay or the mouth of the Chetco River.  This week we will look at some tips and tricks at rigging up this baitfish powerhouse...
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Time to troll the Rogue Bay
Southern Oregon
by Larry Ellis, JUNE 24, 2017

Rogue River- Lower

Sweltering hot inland temperatures are expected to raise the temperature of the lower Rogue River to 70-plus degrees.  On Thursday, the water temperature at Elephant Rock was already close to 70 degrees. Salmon won't cross this wall of uncomfortably-warm water, which pushes them back downriver to the bay where the corpulent kings find their ideal comfort zone of 52 to 54...
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Lower Rogue delights anglers
Southern Oregon
by Larry Ellis, JUNE 17, 2017

Port of Brookings Harbor

When I was a lad, I was always the last person to leave the lake, river or ocean because I wanted to squeeze in every fishing moment that I could.  If truth be told, I am still that very same person. Which makes this coming Wednesday especially near and dear to my heart.  It's my favorite day of the year because it's the...
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