Summer pattern setting up on Shasta Lake!
by Jeff Goodwin, JUNE 8, 2024
Shasta Lake

Summertime is the best time to fish Shasta Lake in my opinion.  Stable weather patterns and a defined temperature split (thermocline) conveniently push Shasta's big rainbow and brown trout into the ZONE and make them both easy to find and easy to catch.  Summertime will reveal the presence of millions of small/tiny Shad in lower sections of Shasta Lake and...
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Whiskeytown Kokanee Bite Continues!
by Jeff Goodwin, JUNE 2, 2024
Whiskeytown Lake

Whiskeytown Lake is fishing very well and the bite is great!  Limit style fishing for big Kokanee salmon is happening NOW!  Most of the Kokanee are now 2 lbs. or better and the'll just keep growing through September before they start their fall spawning cycle.  NOW is the time to schedule your Whiskeytown Lake Kokanee salmon fishing trip!  If you...
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Summer Slam on Shasta Begins!
by Jeff Goodwin, JUNE 2, 2024
Shasta Lake

The stable weather patterns have arrived and Shasta Lake has hit its winter levels at just 5' from full pool.  The lake is on the drop now but its helping to deposit the last remaining pieces of floating debris back onto the shorelines making for some excellent trolling conditions. The bite has been fantastic this past week and we should...
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Sac River Striped Bass Season Continues!
by Jeff Goodwin, MAY 19, 2024
Sacramento River - Lower

The 2024 Sacramento River Striped bass season has been phenominal!  We fished around 70 Striper trips this season and every trip ended with full limits for our guests.  The size of the Striped bass was above average this year as well making for one of the most memorable seasons in years.  We still have one boat working in the Colusa...
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Summer Season on Shasta Lake Has Begun!
by Jeff Goodwin, MAY 19, 2024
Shasta Lake

Shasta Lake had a great winter season and I'm happy to report that we have a near full lake and conditions couldn't be better!  Currently the lake level is less than 6' feet from full and water surface temps are on the rise.  Yesterdays trip ended with surface temps pushing 73 degrees.  53 degree water is at the 55' foot...
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Sac River Striper bite continues!!
by Jeff Goodwin, APRIL 28, 2024
Sacramento River - Lower

The great Striper bite continues this week on the Sacramento River.  Its been a great season with limits of Striped bass caught by every client group we've fished so far this month.  The minnow bite has been great but trolling plugs and throwing paddle tails with spin gear has its days as well.  This is the best Striper season I've...
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