California Outdoors Q&A

California Outdoors Q & A: Fishing with a Beach Net?
California Outdoors Q&A
Carrie Wilson, JUNE 17, 2010

Question: If I am using a 20-foot beach net (the type generally used inland as bait nets) on an inland water (Mission Bay or San Diego Bay, in particular) to demonstrate to my kids the kind of nearshore sea life that is around, am I going to get zinged? Here are the details: I would be using a 20-foot beach net, or a longer one...
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Access Rights to Public Waterways
California Outdoors Q&A
Carrie Wilson, JUNE 3, 2010

Question: I have a question regarding access rights to California waterways. I've noticed no trespassing signs posted on many of the Delta sloughs south of Sacramento that state the area between the public road and the slough itself cannot be accessed or fished. These look like government signs. While investigating I found that state and federal law, as well...
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Will controlling Sacramento pikeminnow help salmonids?
California Outdoors Q&A
Carrie Wilson, MAY 27, 2010

Question: On a local fishing message board, there has been discussion specifically on the killing and discarding of Sacramento pikeminnow incidentally caught while fishing for steelhead in the American River. One point of view is they are a native fish and part of the ecosystem of the Sacramento River and tributaries, and if you catch them, you...
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Carrying a gun while fishing
California Outdoors Q&A
Carrie Wilson, MAY 24, 2010

Question: I was out fishing at Pine Flat Reservoir this past weekend and I came across an angler. He had a handgun on his side. I thought he was a warden, but he was fishing about 20 yards from me. He was dressed in civilian clothes (blue jeans/long sleeve shirt with a fishing vest). I did not talk to him...
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Though this may be a common practice, it does not make it legal. According to Northern California Enforcement Chief Mike Carion, some states limit the possession limit to the field; however, in California the possession limit per person is two daily bag limits. The law does not allow a hunter to possess more than one possession limit (two daily bag limits)...
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No. Anglers fishing south of Point Conception are allowed only one fish per day and in possession between March 15 and June 15, period. Possession includes at home in the freezer (see Q&A below). This regulation helps protect these fish while they are spawning. Keep in mind that this population appears to be on the rebound due to good management...
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