California Outdoors Q&A

Combination of sabiki rig and drop shot rig
California Outdoors Q&A
Carrie Wilson, MARCH 31, 2016

Question: I often go sport fishing around Santa Cruz with my kayak. I would like to catch live fish with a sabiki rig with multiple hooks, then use them with a drop shot rig with two hooks to catch rockfish, cabezon, greenling, lingcod and halibut. Is this allowed? (Kota T.) Answer: Yes, you can use a fishing rod with multiple hooks...
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What to do with inedible harvested non-game animals?
California Outdoors Q&A
Carrie Wilson, MARCH 31, 2016

Question: I know that it is illegal to waste harvested game animals, but what about non-edible, non-game animals (such as jackrabbits, rock doves, coyotes, etc.)? What are the legal/ethical guidelines on what to do with these harvested animals? Should they be buried, left in the field, trashed or something else? (Bill S., Rancho Cucamonga). Answer: Jackrabbits are small game, and if...
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Harvesting Sea Urchins before Abalone Start Time
California Outdoors Q&A
Carrie Wilson, MARCH 31, 2016

Question: My question is about the requirement that abalone may not be taken before 8 a.m. This year there are a few good minus tides that bottom out before 8 a.m. Is it legal to be on the abalone grounds to harvest sea urchins prior to 8 a.m., and then go abalone picking after 8 a.m.? (Paul N., San Francisco). Answer:...
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Fishing and trapping crayfish at the same time
California Outdoors Q&A
Carrie Wilson, MARCH 10, 2016

Question: I am just wondering if while I am fishing, I can run my crayfish trap at the same time to catch crayfish. I only have one fishing permit and I don’t have a second rod stamp. I just want to make sure I don’t break any laws. (Eric L.) Answer: Yes, there are no prohibitions against doing this as long...
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If duck hasn’t built a nest yet, can I catch and eat it?
California Outdoors Q&A
Carrie Wilson, MARCH 10, 2016

Question: Can I catch a mallard duck in my housing community, and eat it, if the duck hasn’t built a nest yet? I live in Huntington Beach. (E.J. Fudd) Answer: No. Regardless of whether the duck is nesting, you must comply with the Fish and Game Code and all applicable local laws or ordinances. For example, you will need to have...
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Abandoned lobster traps and hoop nets
California Outdoors Q&A
Carrie Wilson, MARCH 10, 2016

Question: I am a freediver who dives for lobsters along the Southern California coast. I have concerns about abandoned hoop nets and lobster traps. I can tell that they are abandoned and have been there for a while because some are rusted and old, the rope is frayed, and they are just floating underwater with no buoys attached. Numerous times...
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