
Lower Klamath Full of Steelhead
Kenny Priest
by Kenny Priest, AUGUST 29, 2024

Steelhead have been pouring into the Klamath for the last couple weeks, and the fishing is excellent right now. Even with the water being a little on the dirty side from the rain, it hasn’t slowed down the bite. Cooler water temps have also helped. There’s a good mix of half-pounders and adults from the Glen all the way up...
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Trinity River Valley- Hoopa in a Heat Warning
Trinity River Fishing
by E.B. Duggan, AUGUST 29, 2024

Trinity River - Willow Creek Weir

The Trinity Valley- Hoopa is in a Heat Warning (108) but should start to cool down in the coming week. Hopefully! Hooray! I’m back. Sorry about being gone so long but with computer problems, medical and fire issues/fire camp I have been indisposed. I hope this report finds everybody getting ready for some Fall Fish’in. The Summer Steelhead Run was...
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North Coast Anglers Feast on Tuna
Kenny Priest
by Kenny Priest, AUGUST 22, 2024

It’s been an epic 10-day run on the North Coast for albacore anglers. Since last Tuesday, boats leaving ports from Eureka to Brookings have loaded up on longfins. It’s fairly rare to string to together that many calm ocean days with the warm water sitting just off the beach. Some days you didn’t need to travel more than 15 miles...
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Another Big Summer Catfish!
by Collins Lake Staff, AUGUST 20, 2024
Collins Lake

Just a few days ago the Donovan Family of Brownsville caught this chunky 11lb catfish using raw porkchop down by the dam. While the strong summer heat has waned the water surface temperature is still fairly high at 78.5°F and the thermocline is still at about 20ft deep. Weekdays have been very quiet since about August 12th- if you don’t like...
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Weather Window Wide Open for Tuna
Kenny Priest
by Kenny Priest, AUGUST 16, 2024

To all the Pacific halibut and rockfish swimming off the North Coast, you can rest easy for a while. The weather window has busted open and tuna fanatics are all over it, as to be expected. The ocean is and will be flat for quite a few days, the warm water is close and getting closer, and there’s a huge...
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Lake Sabrina Fishing Report
by Lake Sabrina Boat Landing Staff, AUGUST 11, 2024
Lake Sabrina

DFW has been dumping fish regularly, the size of some of the fish is questionable, but thankfully the drops of Idaho fish and Oregon fish have kept things exciting and some really nice fish are being caught. Also – more OREGON Fish are coming VERY soon (or perhaps already) and we also have more Idaho fish coming too. Things are...
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