
Eagle Lake Fishing Report
by Valerie Aubrey, AUGUST 5, 2023
Eagle Lake

We worked a little harder today & sorted thru a few more tui chub than trout.....BUT... 14.9lb 4 fish bag was a blessing. After the brief but big wind last night things changed up a bit this AM ... It took a while for the baitfish to rise but once they did, it was a feeding frenzy & we actually...
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Quillback Rockfish Off the Menu Starting Aug. 7
Kenny Priest
by Kenny Priest, AUGUST 2, 2023

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife projects the combined recreational and commercial take of quillback rockfish will exceed the harvest limits specified in federal regulation for 2023 is prohibiting retention of the fish statewide in both the recreational and commercial fisheries effective Aug. 7. From the CDFW July 28 announcement: “The 2021 stock assessment for quillback rockfish off California indicated severe...
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ODFW Recreation Report
by ODFW, JULY 28, 2023

Best bets for weekend fishing It’s summer and fishing should be on your agenda. Here are just a few of your options: Jump on a charter for ocean salmon, halibut, tuna or bottomfish. The Marine Zone fishing report can help you decide. Sea-run cutthroat have left the bays and estuaries and moved into the coastal river systems. Here are some tips for catchingthese feisty fighters. Early morning...
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Heated Water Flows and Fish Disease
Trinity River Fishing
by E.B. Duggan, JULY 23, 2023

Trinity River - Willow Creek Weir

 There have been reports of Spring Salmon with gill rot (Columnaris) reported in the Upper Trinity. This is true and is under investigation by USFW, NOAA and CDFW fish biologist. I have been told that a full report will be put out next week (this week sometime). I am hoping I have not been led astray by my contacts. As you know...
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Summer Flows and Heat Waves
Trinity River Fishing
by E.B. Duggan, JULY 16, 2023

Trinity River - Willow Creek Weir

I all had a safe Fourth of July and enjoyed the Holiday, as I did with family.  We are approaching the “Dog Days of Summer” with the usual July “Heat Wave”. The temperatures in the Valley along the Trinity River have been scorchers. Again, we are seeing 105 plus temperatures along the Trinity. Yesterday we saw 108 and expect the same...
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Eureka and Crescent City Top Ports for Halibut
Kenny Priest
by Kenny Priest, JULY 14, 2023

Anglers fishing out of Eureka and Crescent City enjoyed some of the best Pacific halibut fishing of the season this week. Both ports kicked out limits for boats willing to put in some time. And most days it didn’t take much time. Out of Eureka, charters were loaded up and headed to the dock not long after dropping anchor, sometimes...
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