
Tuna remain out of reach for most anglers
Kenny Priest
by Kenny Priest, SEPTEMBER 7, 2023

The warm water that holds all types of tuna continues to sit well offshore from Eureka, Trinidad, and Crescent City. But that hasn’t stopped a few dedicated and hardcore anglers. On Sunday, ocean conditions were ideal and a few boats made the long run leaving from Eureka and Trinidad. The boats needed to travel over 60 miles out, but it...
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ODFW Recreation Report
by ODFW, AUGUST 31, 2023

Big game hunting forecast‌ Elk and deer archery seasons open this Saturday. Here what ODFW biologists have to say about over-winter survival and early season hunting conditions. Check out conditions for your hunt.‌ Game bird hunting forecast‌ Grouse, mourning dove, and western Oregon quail hunting open Sept. 1 and biologists predict an excellent year for upland birds but a mixed bag for waterfowl. Learn more.‌ Hunting,...
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Boats Travel Far and Wide to Find Tuna
Kenny Priest
by Kenny Priest, AUGUST 30, 2023

Ocean conditions over the weekend were about perfect, and there was tuna to be had. But you had to travel a long way, which plenty of boats did. Starting in Fort Bragg, where boats had the shortest run at 35 miles, at least one charter boat loaded the boat both Friday and Saturday. They were big fish too, with a...
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Newport, Ore. – Cameron Royer is looking to see just how well this year’s batch of baby rockfish are faring off the Central Oregon coast, and he’s relying on a SMURF to reveal it. No, not the blue cartoon characters. But a Standard Monitoring Unit for the Recruitment of Fishes – a $15 burrito-like bundle of snow fencing and wire that is...
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Collins Lake Report
by Collins Lake Staff, AUGUST 28, 2023
Collins Lake

August 28th 2023: Wind Calm, Water Clear, Surface 79.7°F & Glassy, 20ft from full. The park is mostly empty until noon Friday when we are all booked up for Labor Day!
Heavy Showers, Lightning Thunder
Trinity River Fishing
by E.B. Duggan, AUGUST 28, 2023

Trinity River - Willow Creek Weir

 Last week we had a huge down pour in the valley. It lasted about one hour but dropped over an inch of rain. You couldn’t leave cover or you would be soaking wet. The rain was good for the fires but the lightening was the cause of a couple of small spot fire that locals were able to extinguish, thank...
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