
Understanding an animal’s diet plays a key role in developing effective conservation and management strategies. Biologists typically collect data on what fish are eating either by directly looking at stomach contents or through a method called stable isotope analysis. Stomach content analysis is useful for identifying the prey a fish consumes, but it only reveals a snapshot of their diet...
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Steelhead Fishing Paused Due to High Water
Kenny Priest
by Kenny Priest, JANUARY 11, 2024

All coastal rivers, except for the Smith, will be high and muddy next week Just as the steelhead season on the Smith and Chetco rivers was showing signs of life, a couple of good storms have and will put steelhead fishing on the backburner. Rain that fell on Tuesday and Wednesday buckled the knees of the coastal rivers, but the knockout...
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Happy New Year and May This Be A Better Fish Year
Trinity River Fishing
by E.B. Duggan, JANUARY 7, 2024

Trinity River - Willow Creek Weir

I hope all had a Happy New Year and didn’t celebrate too much. I hope this year my computer has a better year also. The last several weeks I have had nothing but trouble with my computer so that is why there has been no fishing reports. I do apologize and hope to do much better this year. I also...
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The Youth Wildlife Conservation Experience (YWCE) is back! YWCE, the youth portion of the Wild Sheep Foundation's Sheep Show, will take place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on January 20 at the Reno-Sparks Convention Center. This FREE event is designed to excite and inspire the next generation of outdoor enthusiasts with 40 hands-on stations offering a variety of activities. New this year, the...
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Scientist to Scientist Make Science
Trinity River Fishing
by E.B. Duggan, DECEMBER 24, 2023

Trinity River - Willow Creek Weir

I hope all had a very Merry Christmas and will have a Happy New Year! The rivers are still dropping but are starting to clear up some as we approach the New Year. Winter Steelhead should be coming into the rivers and fishing should be picking up for those willing to bear the rain. Scientist talking to scientist make science when...
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Window of Opportunity Ahead for Steelhead Anglers
Kenny Priest
by Kenny Priest, DECEMBER 21, 2023

If you’re looking to chase some winter steelhead between now and Christmas, you should have a few good options. Following a good amount of rain earlier in the week, all the North Coast rivers not named Smith and Chetco are brown and swollen. But with no rain forecast until next week and no snow in the hills, we should see...
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