Friendly Whales

by William Smith
What a spectacular day of WHALE WATCHING!!!
With our group we headed out towards the Deep Reef. When on top of the reef Captain Lee was on watch out when he spotted a group of 3 humpbacks!!
Motoring up i took the boat out of gear to watch. When the group of whales started to approach us I turned off the engine and started to drift. These whales were very curious and came up to us while drifting with the engine off. They circled the boat twice snd hung around for the duration of our time. Definitely the best show so fsr this year especially on such a calm day!!!
We have lots of space for our Whale Watching trip yhis upcoming Saturday!
You can make your reservation online at: www riptide.net
If you would like to go fishing with us please BOOK ONLINE or call (650) 728-8433 to get in on the action.
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