Your Source for Outdoor Adventure
Northern California and Southern Oregon
Lake Sabrina Report

by Lake Sabrina Boat Landing Staff
When it Rains it Pours!
Up here at 9150 – 9300 feet of elevation, 80 degrees is hot. Anything over that is roasting for us. And yes, we are aware that we’re spoiled, living in the mountains does have some advantages and that’s one of them. Still, it’s been dang hot as of late so early last week we were happy to have some cloud cover and some rain come through – I can’t think of many things that feel, smell, and sound sweeter than a summer rain in the high country. We recommend that hikers hit the trails early right now, as early as you can, to escape the heat. Make sure to be prepared for skeeters and a new arrival to the party, biting flies! Yay!
The big news this week was a visit, or I should say visits, from our friends at the California DFW who brought us some fish! Finally, it was our turn now that our friends to the north have received some. As many know the DFW has had some logistical issues thanks to a bacterial outbreak at the local state hatcheries. Apparently the last of the healthy fish needed a home, presumably so they can start getting the facilities ready for the next round of fish. Our canyon was one of the locations those fish ended up, including at least 3500lbs that we coounted in Lake Sabrina. These aren’t’ dinks either folks, the vast majority of these fish were really healthy ¾ to 1-pound models with some larger ones mixed in. It’s game on gang!!!! This is the last DFW stocking of the season but this will keep the bite really hot for weeks plus, we still have 3 loads of Idaho fish coming so we are SUPER stoked on the rest of the season.
The Middle Fork Bishop Creek, So. Fork. Bishop Creek, Intake 2 and North Lake also got loaded up with fish this week. Needless to say – the Bishop Creek Canyon is a swell place to be right now if you’re a fishin’ fool.
The Hot Stuff : Wooly Buggers, Thomas Buoyants, Jigs, Crawlers, Garlic PB
The Hot Spots: Sabrina East Shore, Inlet, Intake 2 was described as a “hatchery pond” and the So. & Middle Fork of Bishop Creek at the Campgrounds got heavily dosed with fish.
Lake Sabrina Store & Boat Rental Schedule
7am - 6pm Daily Through Labor Day
8am – 6pm Labor Day to October
Boat reservations highly recommended as we’ve been selling out regularly.
You can also call or email for availability. Current fleet is 7 pontoons, six 8hp motorboats, three 15hp push-start motorboats, 4 kayaks, 1 Canoe. We expect to keep adding boats until there’s no more room on the dock or the beach.
The Waterfront Café at Sabrina…NOW OPEN Friday – Sunday
Pie & Coffee
Daily - 8am – 3pm
Kitchen & Draft Beer Counter
Fri – Sun: 8am – 3pm
Expanded menu and hours coming soon. We’re just breaking in the new point of sale, getting used to the new kitchen, and getting the fryer back online.
For Cabin Rentals visit the Parchers Resort website. The Parchers Store on the South Fork of Bishop Creek is open daily from 8am to 6pm.
Weather Updates and Forecasts for Our Specific Longitude and Latitude Can Be Found at www.LakeSabrinaBoatLanding.com and clicking the puffy little cloud below our phone number.
With the increase in foot traffic already starting, it's a good time to remind everyone to PLEASE PAY ATTENTION to, and more importantly ADHERE TO, signage. There is day use parking, overnight parking, overflow parking, places where parking is prohibited for the safety of everyone, signs about where to put trash and where you can and can’t have a fire. It takes one moron ignoring the parking signs to start an avalanche of copycats making a summer weekend a parking nightmare for everyone. It takes one jerk with a match to end the entire season or a whole lot worse.
All USFS roads and campgrounds in the White Mountain Ranger District are currently open.
Jared, Seth, Austin, Kerry, Judy, and the rest of the Parchers Resort & Lake Sabrina Staff
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