Sac River steelhead coming in hot!

by Jeff Goodwin
The Sacramento River hatchery steelhead season is beginning and the high water we'll see this week will likely kick start this popular fishery after high water receeds. We will be fishing the mornings for our late fall Kings, but late morning/afternoon is transition time for steelhead fishing. Drifting roe or beads is one of our most productive techniques, but back trolling plugs can be effective as well. We have lots of salmon and steelhead fishing ahead of us the next few months and we still have some availability for those who want to book a trip! daily limits are two hatchery steelhead and two King salmon per person. Full limits are not often achieved, especially with larger groups, but these trips are a lot of fun and crowds are very light. Fishing conditions can change rapidly with winter storms, but we fish most of the days we book and we do have other options if the river is unfishable in the Anderson area.
Jeff Goodwin is a full time
Northern California fishing guide. He guides year round for salmon,
trout, steelhead, Kokanee, and bass on Northern California rivers and lakes. He
fishes many bodies of water in the Redding area, but also guides the Sacramento
River and Feather River during certain times of the year. Jeff can also be
found on the California coast chasing ocean fresh King salmon and steelhead
each year. To learn more about the fishing trips Jeff has to offer, please
visit Jeff Goodwin's Guide Service.
You can also find him on Facebook, Instagram,
and Twitter, or please feel free to call him anytime at (707)
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