Lake Sabrina Fishing Report

TMAFI Winners
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Lake Sabrina Boat Landing Staff

by Lake Sabrina Boat Landing Staff

WOW – What a week and weekend - a surprise stocking from Desert Spring Trout Farm of BIG fish courtesy of Edison International (aka Southern California Edison) – Thank you SCE!!! And there were lots of people out and about to enjoy catching those fish and those stocked by the Department of Fish and Wildlife on Thursday. Lake Sabrina is about 5’ from going over the spillway. The boat ramps aren’t nearly as steep as they were last week and on the eve of the mudslide of last year, our first monsoonal thunderboomer is due in on Tuesday.

Catching was the name of the game this week. Luke Solis caught his first fish ever – when asked what he caught it on his response “Fishing Line”! Dad Roman and cousin Noah Bueno helped Luke with the holding of the fish in the picture. Otto Ketelsleger (20 months) was learning fish stories early on with Dad Nick who used a Thomas Buoyant to bring in his 2 1/2lbs RainBow. Chris Lopez took his 3 ¾ Pounder using a Spinner. Orange PowerBait was working for Irene & Jay Osterwell and Jana & Jerry Weaver in the catching of their dinner and lots of memories. Louis Seranno snagged his 2 pounder on a NightCrawler. Derenik Avedian brought out the NightCrawlers to bring in 3 3/4lbs and 4 3/4 lbs RainBows. Now, Dean Gove (5 y.o.), is learning the fine art of making your fish look huge – take a look at his picture – that’s a 1-1/2 pounder caught on a Lure. Jeff Kenzel landed a 3 pounder winning their annual family tournament. It was the 15th Annual TMAFI tournament, the winners this year were a family affair – Andy Hansen won the adult tourney catching his 3-3/4 Pounder using Pink PowerBait on his ‘little purple fishing rod’. Daughter Willa Hansen won the kids tourney with a 1-1/3 pounder. Jose Nelson made PaPa proud pulling in a 5-1/2 RainBow – it will be going on the smoker. David Dietz has a 6 pound dinner ready – just needs cleaning. Richard and Mark Brewer hopefully learned how to catch some big fish from John Auzeene – 2-1/4lbs, Pete Kahles – 3-1/4lbs and especially from Finley Kahles who bested them all landing a 3-3/4 pounder. We also heard of many many more caught and released.

Man, oh, man so many items used in catching all those fish – from NightCrawlers to PowerBait to Jigs and Lures.  And where you may ask – you name I can almost assure you there was a fish caught there – from the corner of the dam to DingleBerry Inlet (which is still roaring), from Little George Inlet to George Inlet and drifting over the shoreline between the two natural lakes and around the rockpiles. Shore fishing is becoming scarce as the Lake continues its rise, but a least now it’s not such a long haul up the dam.

And the baby Wrens have taken flight – there nest area is cleaned and is ready for next year. Speaking of wildlife, had the first bear of the season at the Lake on Thursday night about 1:30am out trying to get into the dumpster. He flipped the lid on that dumpster like it weighed nothing and he stood a good foot and a half over the back part of the dumpster – well over 6 feet standing on his back legs.

A huge thank you to Melinda of ‘Buckets of Daisies’ from down in So Cal for doing the flower containers on the deck – she went with a Lake Sabrina WildFlower look with a few geraniums thrown in to try to keep the skeeters at bay. If you’re in need of a great custom flower pot or décor, give Melinda a call at 714-273-4526.


Boy are the wildflowers blooming – Penstomens, Indian PaintBrush, Columbine, Lilacs and lots of yellow and purple flowers that I have no idea what their names would be. We, also, have beautiful Peach and Purple Iris blooming in the back yard and the grass sure is looking green.

Just an FYI – We have no clue on when the Fall colors will start. With the late Winter and late Spring and late Summer, who knows, we certainly don’t.

The skeeters have made an appearance and with the big winter, be prepared for a pretty epic mosquito season, so don’t forget the bug juice, but remember to try and keep it, your sunscreen and any other Foo-Foo juices off your hands – fish don’t like the taste or smell. It’s also Pine Pollen time – so if you’re susceptible to hay fever allergies – don’t forget the meds. 

Fishing etiquette is once again becoming a bit of a problem at the Lake and we don’t like problems. If you come upon someone fishing, please don’t fish right next to them – take a bit of hike farther down and don’t cast over into their spot. Same at the Inlet, there are so many areas to fish on this Lake go find another ‘soon to be’ favorite spot.


Bishop Pack Outfitters are finally able to get on the trail making sure its passable – shoring up a washout,  moving trees and rocks off the trail, please have respect for them if you meet them on the trail with stock animal – always take the low road so if a mule is spooked it will go to the high side and not down into the Lake as what happened a few years ago.

If you’re planning on hiking – PLEASE BE PREPARED – hike with a buddy – leave a note on where you’re headed – when you’re expected back – what you’re wearing – take plenty of water & food – dress in layers – you’ll start out cool, but will probably warm up – CHECK THE WEATHER! Not only is your life on the line, so are the Search and Rescue Teams. Also, if you meet stock on the trail, please go to the low-side, that way if the mules are startled they’ll go to the high side and not down the canyon.

According to Howard (the weather guesser) the monsoonal weather is starting to arrive. Here is the forecast for the week from (enter Aspendell, CA in the search and scroll down to see the temps).