Klamath Steelhead slamming the Maglip

Photo Credit: Scott Caldwell

by Scott Caldwell

1/7/19 - First time Klamath fishers Greg and Rick got 2019 started off the double digit Steelhead way, Pro-Cure Carpspit and Yakima 3.O Maglips getting it done.

The fish were on the bite yesterday the slow back trolled bite. 3.0 Maglips lathered in Carpspit was the hot plug of the day. Working the cold water very slow has been the key to getting bit, the fish are there, Greg and Rick caught released close to 20. The guys also caught fish on while side casting Rapalas but the Maglip was the better choice.

Barely moving down the river produced slamming bites and jumping fish on every solid hook up. Just what we all love about Winter Steelhead feisty action. Fishing on the Klamath is great during the Winter very little traffic and lots of biting. You cant really go wrong with biting fish.

 Give me a call 530 905 0758 or book online at Caldwellfishing.com