by Mario Gomez
The fiesty Klamath River steelhead are not big but you sure can't tell that from the fight they put up after they have a hook stuck in their lip. The spawn is starting to taper off and the fish are trying to hide. The steelhead have started to move into the deep dark holes and with the hot weather have been a little off the bite. But if you put in the time and effort you will be rewarded. We had 3 boats out today fly fishing and every one ended up with a few nice fish. With the expected rain this weekend the fishing should improve. We have lots of boats and lots of guides to take you fishing so give me a call. Book Now
Mario Gomez is a Northern California and Southern Oregon professional fishing guide that chases salmon, trout, and steelhead on the most productive rivers in the Northwest. Pro guide Mario Gomez has spent his entire life fishing the Klamath River, but also follows the circuit and targets the California and Oregon coastal streams each year. If you are interested in fishing the Klamath River, Smith River, Chetco River, Umpqua River and Rogue River click on the website and book your trip today. To learn more about Mario visit Ironhead Guide Service, you can also find him on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, or call him anytime @ (530) 598-0530.
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