Shasta Lake trout time!

by Jeff Goodwin
Today we fished Shasta Lake again and although it wasnt red hot, the quality fish were where we thought they would be. Side planers domintated the bite and so did our spoons. I've heard about these Optimizer spoons so I thought I'd try them out and it tyrns out they work pretty good, lol. All kidding aside, 1 oz. or 2 oz. snap weights in front of the Optimizers killed it again. Check out www.trinidadtackle.com for black, white, and blue colors. They are working great but I hve been killing it with what I call my "volcano" colored #3 Optimizer. I made it myself so you'll just have to use your imagination when it comes to the color pattern. No browns today, but each one of my crew of four today spanked a nice rainbow after it hit the net! Good times to say the least and the meat on these rainbows were salmon color. These guys are gonna have a feast for the ages tonight! I'm booking a trip or two every day so your chance to get in on this action is dwindling. I'm running private party trips so I'm only filling seats for the party that books the day. This reduces the number of people I can run through in a season, but I'm looking for long term relationships with my clients and not a bigger pay day by selling seats. Thats my vision for my business and I'm sticking to it. If you are a single and need a fishing partner, I can almost always find another client who's in the same situation. I have a "singles" list and its workig out just fine. In summary, big groups or small, I fish them all! Tight lines!
Jeff Goodwin is a full time
Northern California fishing guide. He guides year round for salmon,
trout, steelhead, Kokanee, and bass on Northern California rivers and lakes. He
fishes many bodies of water in the Redding area, but also guides the Sacramento
River and Feather River during certain times of the year. Jeff can also be
found on the California coast chasing ocean fresh King salmon and steelhead
each year. To learn more about the fishing trips Jeff has to offer, please
visit Jeff Goodwin's Guide Service.
You can also find him on Facebook, Instagram,
and Twitter, or please feel free to call him anytime at (707)
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